Hannah is personally one of my favorite women to study about in the Bible. And each time that I have read her story I learn something that I can apply to my daily walks of life. Hannah was one of the two wives of Elkanah. Unfortunately for Hannah, the Lord shut her womb and she was not able to have children. Depressed by not being able to bear a child, Hannah went to the place of worship in Shiloh and made a vow to the Lord that if He gave her a son, she would in return "give him to the Lord all the days of his life." After she prayed her honest and sincere prayer, Hannah went away and returned to Ramah with her family. The Lord remembered Hannah and her prayer, and gave her a son.Hannah named him Samuel. Soon after, Hannah did just as she told the Lord that she would do. When she returned to the place of worship in Shiloh, she gave her son to the Lord. It was there that Hannah prayed to the Lord one of the most beautiful prayers of thanksgiving and praise. (1 Samuel 2:1-10)So what do we get from Ms. Hannah? Well I think that one of the most important lessons we can get from Hannah is thankfulness. Hannah did not seem to cease to give thanks to God for the blessing of a son. She gave complete credit to where credit was most certainly due. And what can we be thankful for today?!? Well everything of course. Anyone who is reading this has been blessed beyond belief physically. However the greatest gift that we have been blessed with is the spiritual gift of his Son Jesus Christ. The gift of salvation is definately the greatest gift one could ever have. 2 Corinthians 9:15 "Thanks be to God for His incredible gift!" And it truly is incredible. Continue to be thankful, God showers us with blessings.
She also reminds us that when we make a promise to God it is one we are to keep. A very good role model to Christian women and all Christians alike.